Andrew S. Mayo

Andy is a shareholder with a practice focused on litigation and transactional work in the areas of commercial law, secured lending, banking, real estate, and trusts and estates. Prior to joining the firm, Andy was a Research Attorney to the Hon. Kim R. Schroeder, Kansas Court of Appeals (2013-2014).
- J.D./M.T.S., Emory University, 2012
- Emory Bankruptcy Developments Journal, Notes and Comments Editor
- B.A./B.S., English, Psychology & Philosophy, Summa Cum Laude, Presbyterian College, 2007
Honors & Publications
- For God and Money: The Place of the Megachurch Within the Bankruptcy Code, 27 Emory Bankr. Dev. J. 609 (Spring 2011)
- Presented 4 hours of CLE on Advanced Legal Writing to Kansas Appellate Courts; participated in panel discussion on legal writing for Sam A. Crow Inn of Court
- Recipient of the Herman Dooyeweerd Award for Excellence in Law and Religion
- Recipient of 2017 Topeka Bar Association Outstanding Young Lawyer Award
- Kansas
- U.S. District Court for the District of Kansas
Professional & Civic Activities
- Kansas Bar Association
- Topeka Bar Association
- Sam A. Crow Inn of Court – CLE Coordinator (2015)
- Topeka Bar Association Ethics Committee
- Topeka Bar Association Young Lawyers Division – President (2016); President-Elect (2015); Treasurer (2014)
- Kansas Bar Association Young Lawyers Section – Legislative Liaison (2015)